Ticket Info
Read below for all you need to know about buying, selling, transferring, receiving, or replacing tickets to EDC Korea. Still have questions? Visit the FAQ.
- Show time information indicated upon ticket reservation is temporarily applied for the reservation process. Fixed show times will be announced later. Please keep this in mind when reserving tickets.
- Visitors are allowed to purchase up to 4 tickets per person only (per single ID).
- All seats are standing seats, and there are no designated spots (excluding the SkyDeck lounge/entrance, which is on a first come, first served basis).
- Single-day ticketholders may enter the venue only on the date marked on the ticket.
- No ticket changes or refunds are allowed on the date of the event.
- The host company may change the schedule and lineup.
- Information relevant to the event will be provided via the number you submitted when purchasing your ticket, so make sure to update your phone number one month before the event to receive SMS notifications. Any problems caused by an incorrectly submitted mobile phone number will be your sole responsibility. Organizers and ticketing companies will not be held responsible.
Selling & Transferring
- Transferring or exchanging tickets between people is explicitly illegal. If any illegal transaction or purchase through ticket scalpers is found, civil/criminal restrictions will be placed on the seller and purchaser of such tickets.
- The booking website and the host company will not be held responsible for any damages incurred with tickets purchased through individual transaction other than the purchase made through the booking website. Please make a safe purchase of the tickets through our official booking website.
- Those caught forging/counterfeiting wristbands will be asked to exit the venue and will be put into the custody of police after reimbursing the ticket price.
Pickup & Delivery
- You may choose “pre-delivery” or “pick up at the venue.”
- Only pre-delivery will be available at an early stage of ticket sales, in order to prevent delay in ticket pickups at the entrance, as it takes more time to check at the venue.
- Ticket delivery: TBD
- Ticket booth operating hours: TBD
- In the case of pickup at the venue, be sure to bring the ID of the person who made the reservation and other supporting documents proving the reservation, such as the certificate of reservation (no receipt by proxy).
- For on-site purchases, only one transaction is allowed per person; a purchaser buying multiple tickets should purchase the tickets together in one block.
- The host company will not hold tickets for those who arrive at the venue later than their accompanying group.
Refunds & Replacements
- Lost tickets (including stolen ones, damaged ones, or ones not brought to the venue) will not be reissued or replaced, and no one under any circumstances will be allowed to enter the venue without a ticket. Please keep your ticket in a secure place, as those who lose tickets will be solely responsible for them. The host/organizer will not be responsible for lost tickets.
- No ticket changes or refunds are allowed on the date of the event.
- For a two-day wristband, you should attach it intact, without damage, till the second day of the event. The same wristband must be worn for both days of the event. It is impossible to wear it again after detaching it, so please do not tear it off after the first day.
- You may not enter the venue without wearing a wristband. We will not reissue in case of a damaged or lost wristband.
- However, if you intend to change an undamaged wristband (because it is too loose or too tight), we may reissue after checking whether it is damaged and discard it at the spot.